5 Simple Approaches to Enhance Employee Engagement

5 Simple Approaches to Enhance Employee Engagement

Eat—Sleep—Work—Repeat; a basic expectation to have of your employees, right? But should this really be the bottom line?

Many of us have experienced working for a boss who eats, sleeps and breathes the words ‘meeting targets’ and ‘exceeding expectations’, often at the expense of employee engagement and wellbeing.

Research has shown that this somewhat old-school mindset typically leaves many employees feeling undervalued, unappreciated, unwilling to fully invest their time and skills into a company’s success and even the misuse of company resources.

It’s no secret that employees who are positively engaged by their superiors will likely work much harder and want to see a company succeed. This has a direct effect on employee retention rate, customer satisfaction, revenue generation and company reputation—music to the ears of any boss.

There are many renowned companies that embody positive reinforcement at the workplace and are ranked highly as some of the best employers to work for. These companies recognize that attaining their vision starts with creating a supportive working environment that fosters employee growth and wellbeing.

Employees are able to voice their concerns and interact with management regularly through various platforms such as chat rooms and Staff Councils. These companies also invest in staff career development through training opportunities, targeted career mentorship programmes and even mother-friendly working conditions for new mothers through access to on-site daycare services.

Some companies even use somewhat unconventional approaches to avoid burnout and foster employee creativity such as on-site massages and even gaming rooms and bowling alleys!

That isn’t to say that all companies should take similar steps. Here are 5 simple and effective approaches that employers can take to make their employees feel valued and appreciated:

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T

The fundamental rule of employee engagement. Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated.

  • Appreciation and recognition

A job well done is its own reward, but a little recognition on the side never hurt anyone. Boost your employees’ morale by acknowledging their wins— both small and big.

  • An open-door policy

Foster good relationships with your employees by encouraging open communication and feedback at all times.

  • DO NOT micromanage

You hired these people for a reason! Let them do what they do best and simply be on hand to offer advice and constructive criticism.

  • Work hard, but play a little too!

Whether it be the occasional lunch out of the office, a couple of drinks after work or even a group exercise class, set aside some social time with your employees to build a sense of community.

In the wise words of CEO Doug Conant, "to win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace”. Employers need to recognize and treat their employees as valuable assets to drive their company’s success.

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